How Would You ?
Question by ManImSadINeedAHug: How would you ?
Someone i care about alot is on drug like the ones that can kill you and he tryed everything but its not working and it kill me to watch him go down the wrong road i just wanted to know is there anything i can do for him???????? Or at least get him offf!!!!!!!! It would mean alot to me !!!!!!!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by JOHN R
if he really wants to stop then he needs to admit himself into a re-hab or hospital. lots of love and support will be needed by those around him. if worse comes to worse then the only other solution is to turn him in to the police.
Answer by Yogini108
Sadly, there is only so much we can do to help our friends. Addiction is a powerful force, and we can’t control it. Go to Al-Anon, or some similar group to get support. Ask about the possibility of doing an “intervention.” You’ll need help with this, but it has worked in the past. Basically, several people who care about the person confront them with proof of their illness and ask them to go into rehab right away. You have to have a plan in place to get them to the program, and plans in place to help with any loose ends they’re leaving behind. It takes a lot of work, but it’s worth a try. Your friend is lucky to have you, and someday, if he gets off the drugs, he may be able to recognize that. I wish you both the best.
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