Alcohol Rehab: The Three Phases of an Alcohol Rehab Program in Kentucky

If you are searching for an alcohol rehab program in Kentucky, it is very important to know how these programs are conducted. Only then can you choose an appropriate program for the patient. The key things which you must know here is that all programs that are usually combined under the single term “alcohol rehab program in Kentucky” but they are actually very different from each other when it comes to following the principles and their implementation. Hence it is very important to research and read about these programs on their websites to understand how you will be benefited from this program.

Though the programs are different from each other, but in many ways these programs are quite identical to each other. These programs contain same elements even though there are differences between two treatment programs. But the pattern in which these programs are implemented is one such point. Once if you have done a little bit of research, you may find out that all treatment programs in Kentucky have three key phases. These three phases are called the intervention, the detoxification and then the aftercare. Let us understand these three phases in fairly detail.

Intervention Phase

The treatment program starts with the intervention phase. In this phase the patient is bought out of the denial which is unintentionally be present within the patient. Before getting into the treatment the patient should come out of the denial phase otherwise there are chances of relapse when the treatment is about to begin. When a patient goes into denial phase, he or she will not want to accept any program for treatment. Hence the treatment centre needs to plan out a strategy or may arrange for a counseling program which will help the patient to understand that this addiction needs a treatment.

This treatment centre motivates the patient with the help of the family. The family is the best agency to convince the patient to get into treatment. The family encourages the patient to take the treatment and express their desire to be back into a sober lifestyle. They can ask the patients friends and their colleagues to get involved. Or else other relevant people may also be used during the intervention.

Detoxification Phase

The next process of the treatment is where the patient’s body is cleansed of the alcohol that might have accumulated in the body for a long time. The treatment starts by making the person abstain in a controlled and supervised setting. The patients body starts reacting violently craving for more substance, which is known as the withdrawal process. This indicates that the persons body is getting cleansed from the substance. Now, a series of medication will be provided to the patient in order to help them come over the temptation of the substance and also find relief with the harsh symptoms of withdrawal.

This program is continued till all the signs of withdrawal have passed away. But this will depend on the patient’s extent of addiction and the physical and metal condition of the person. However, this may also extend the duration of the process from three to seven days or more.

Sometimes, alcohol detox in Kentucky can be carried out in an outpatient setting also. But this treatment cannot be used for patients who are into severe conditions of alcoholism, because they will need to be monitored when the withdrawal occurs and this is done with a controlled setting so that they can abstain. However, the alcohol rehab program in Kentucky mostly prefers an inpatient detox within a medically supervised setup.

Aftercare Phase

After the withdrawal has completely subsided then aftercare program begins. This part of the rehab treatment has a counseling approach and also involves maintenance medication that can help people take care of the craving for the substance. The maintenance medication can be a mix of Antabuse, Campral, Topamax and Naltrexone, these medicine are designed at helping addicts come out of their craving for alcohol. And also help the body of the addictive person to get stabilized after the disturbance that the alcohol creates in it.

Counseling is also a major part of the treatment in all the treatment centers. Counseling helps the people to come out of their emotional issues if any. They are taught how they can interest themselves in some diversions so that they can lead a better life and not find the temptation for the substance within them. In some cases, the families of the patients are also involved and are guided how to take care of the patients. They are mainly taught on how to deal with the situation and what they can do to bring the patient out of the addiction faster.

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