Depressed Pot Smoking Boyfriend Threatens to Commint Suicide, HELP!?

Question by : Depressed pot smoking boyfriend threatens to commint suicide, HELP!?
Okay so i’ve been with my boyfriend for a year and a half and we live together for the last 5 months.
I love him, he is funny, sweet, hot and just makes me happy. We get along so well living together considering the circumstances.

About 4 months back he broke his foot and hasn’t been able to work since, this has made him very depressed as he can’t work and feels useless because i have to pay for everything (rent,food ect.). He does get some government paychecks for sickness leave but i don’t think anyone could live off those (plus most of it goes to pot and alcohol)

I’m only,20, and have a hard time supporting us both. He has always been a heavy weed smoker and this has never bothered me until money became an issue. He uses it to ease his depression and take his mind of his foot.
I love him but it seems lately weed and drinks come before me but it seems he is too depressed to know better. I feel like he doesn’t appreciate how hard i work, just for him and for us. He does surprise me with thoughtful things sometimes like spring cleaning the house and buying me flowers… but it doesn’t make up for the stress and sickness i get from worrying about him or the fact i’m running myself into debt for him…

He says his life has been going down hill for the last 4 years and nothings going to get better and he is a useless burden to everyone and would be better off dead. He talks about hanging himself in our bathroom or driving off a bridge.
He tells me the same thing 3 or 4 times a week and we have a long talk about it but he comes to his senses and moves on.

I just want to help him but he doesn’t want my help because he thinks nothing is ever going to change.
I can’t imaginee my life without him.

I need some advice, I don’t know whether to throw in the towel or tuff it out for him.
What can I do to help him!?
(please dont say suicide helpline or rehab)
I can’t just kick a guy with a broken foot out onto the street. He has no where else to go because his family and friends are useless. Deep down, behind the depression is a lovely, intelligent, caring man that doesn’t want to hurt anyone

Best answer:

Answer by Hirgon Sadron
A therapist and rehab. You cannot do anything to help him. If you try, you’re just going to make it worse, because you’re not a therapist. He needs professional help. Threatening to commit suicide three or four times a week is basically as unhealthy as it gets. You’re just making things worse by trying to help him without sending him where he can really find help.

If you don’t like that answer, then you need to leave him. Since you said “please don’t say suicide helpline or rehab,” which IS WHAT HE NEEDS, you obviously don’t care about him enough to see that he gets the help he needs. You’re both wasting your time.

Answer by V I S I O N
You want to help him?
Leave him…Maybe that would snap him out of his drug saturated mind.

His brain has been ‘adjusted’ from smoking all that weed, personally, I would leave so fast it would set records. This guy is a loser…And to boot, he is using the suicide threat to keep you there so you feel sorry for him. Get away….far away..and let this be a lesson, a person that uses drugs is never a good choice.
You say you can’t imagine your life without him,
You mean a life with someone who would rather spend his time and money on a future instead of drugs?
How is this not better than where yo are now….?


If you don’t want our advice to leave him, why did you ask?

Leave him now, or prepare to visit him in jail….in the very near future

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