Drug Rehab: Is ” Rush ” Dumb or Does?
Question by bigv10: is ” Rush ” dumb or does?
he really believe him self. if he really believed in what he speaks…shouldn’t he be up a creek without a paddle (his illegal drug use)
Best answer:
Answer by Lincoln6
Delusional people believe themselves.
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Drug Rehab: Why Most Drug Rehab Clinics Fail!
drugrehabclinics.co.uk – Drug Rehabs usually just don’t get it. They shame and blame those of us brave enough to Seek Out Help and then fudge their figures to match the governments required stats. Completing a Rehab program is a massive deal but it’s only the start. A life You want following treatment should be the yardstick of success! ARC Drug Rehab Clinic understand this and so Leap out from the crowd of ‘not quite’ Rehabs.
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