Im Addicted to Ecstasy?
Question by emilo: Im addicted to ecstasy?
Over the passed 4-5 months ive consumed a total amount of 250 -300 pills. Ive lost 40lbs, major anxiety depression, and i cant know what to do about this. I cannot stop with these pills but i dont want to go to rehab. Theres so much access to it where i am that i cant avoid it anymore.
Best answer:
Answer by McLovin
You ought to preplan your funeral services while you still possess some mental faculties then. Ecstasy makes you stupid. I literally makes holes in your brain. In addition to the fact that while you are using, you must remain hydrated or you will cook your brain because EX screws with the mechanism that regulates your body temperature. So, like I said earlier, hook up with a local funeral parlor and express your wishes and pay up front. Also, contact your pastor/minister/priest and get them to start offering your loved ones counseling now so they are not too devastated when the call comes that your wasted life finally came to an end in a gutter/Dumpster/or crack house. You are about to give your friends and family a front row seat to observe your frustratingly slow slide into the cold arms of death. But, its your life, enjoy the ride.
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Drug Rehab: Drug Addiction- Consequences of Drug Addiction, Narconon
States Waste Billions Dealing with Consequences of Addiction, CASA Study Says Narconon Drug Rehab Georgia shows consequences of drug addiction. The vast majority of the estimated 7.7 billion in substance-abuse related spending by governments on substance-abuse problems went to deal with the consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, not treatment and prevention, according to a new report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University. The report, titled, “Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State and Local Budgets,” found that 95 percent of the 3.9 billion spent by the federal government and states went to paying for the societal and personal damage caused by alcohol and other drug use; the calculation included crime, health care costs, child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and other consequences of tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction. Just 1.9 percent went to treatment and prevention, while 0.4 percent was spent on research, 1.4 percent went towards taxation and regulation, and 0.7 percent went to interdiction. “Such upside-down-cake public policy is unconscionable,” said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA’s founder and chairman. “It’s past time for this fiscal and human waste to end.” CASA estimated that the federal government spent 8.2 billion on substance-abuse related issues in 2005, while states spent 5.8 billion and local governments spent …
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