Southern California: Drug Rehab Capital of the World

Are you or is someone you know suffering from the grips of drug addiction? In the past few decades, there have been many changes in the field of drug rehab programs and addiction and alcoholism treatment. Innovations in neurosciences and cognitive and behavioral therapies have greatly advanced the care provided those in need of treatment and therapy for alcoholism and drug addiction. The leading Southern California drug rehab facility – Safe Harbor Treatment Center for Women – is a nationally renowned alcohol and drug treatment center, developed to treat and provide a platform for long-term sobriety. All of this is provided within an addiction treatment community in Southern California’s Orange County.


In order to understand the best way to treat addiction and alcoholism, you should first have an understanding of what addiction is. The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in the individual pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors. Addiction is characterized by impairment in behavioral control, craving, inability to consistently abstain, and diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships. Like other chronic diseases, addiction involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.


For some, accepting addiction as a chronic disease is a difficult concept to grasp, because addiction would be the only disease that is self-inflicted. Recent science has shown the damage of alcohol and drug addiction on the brain. This science shows aspects of how addiction develops a psychological “illness” in the brain most similar to a disease. What exactly causes addiction is something that is widely researched today.

Treatment for addiction varies on the alcohol or drug rehab facility. At Southern California drug rehab facility Safe Harbor Treatment Center for women, therapy in a gender-specific environment is provided to begin the addiction recovery process. In severe cases of addiction, a medical detox is usually a necessary first step to rid the body of the addictive toxins. At Safe Harbor, treatment is a range of the most effective therapy types in the field. In our Southern California drug rehab facility we feel it is a thorough balance of all aspects of treatment that leads to effective recovery.

At Safe Harbor, therapy programs have been designed to fit the individual and to directly face the process that controls the impulse functions of the brain. Available therapy programs available that deal with this mental process include cognitive behavioral therapy and independent counseling are chief among this type of therapy work. In working with the mental process, it is possible to help change the thought patterns and behavioral patterns of the addicted individual. When that person is faced with an addictive “trigger” situation, they will know what to do to avoid falling back into addictive practices.

As the premiere drug rehab center in California, Safe Harbor’s 90-day treatment program employs a combination of structured groups, individual counseling, uplifting social activities and opportunities to practice life skills. Educational groups focus on a wide variety of topics, including relapse prevention, healthy relationships, body image and eating disorders. In these groups women have the opportunity to share their experiences, and counselors help them learn how to approach these areas of their lives with healthier thinking.

This article was written by Alex Whalley, with friends and family who have needed alcohol rehab women wouldn’t trust anybody else but Safe Harbor Treatment Centers, also for their drug rehab for women.



Drug Rehab: Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment – Rachel finally got the right kind of help. (877) 753-3869 Dual diagnosis treatment centers help addicts and alcoholics treat the underlying problems that are reinforcing their substance abuse issues. Rachel’s been clean for 14 months now, and the integrated dual diagnosis treatment she received at The Recovery Place is what made all of the difference. “Dual diagnosis is basically having more than one addiction or more than one problem that you are dealing with. Like depression, an eating disorder or some kind trauma. I experienced a very traumatic life. I was born into addiction; both of my parents were addicts.” The Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program at The Recovery Place works closely with clients to address both sides of the problem. Working on only the addiction or only the underlying factor is a major reason why people relapse. It is crucial to receive integrated dual diagnosis treatment for addiction linked with disorders such as anxiety, OCD, depression, PTSD, bipolar and other mental health problems.

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