Drug Rehab: Where Do You Think Society Is Headed?

Question by ~*So Over It*~: Where do you think Society is Headed?
Every time you turn on the t.v. , some bull s**t about a famous nobody is on the air. It seems the world is so hung up on Hollywood, that no one seems to care about the war, the economy, or even the kids of today, who are headed in a dangerous path unless the elders of yesterday guide them in the right direction.
Every day, the news seem to be about ” which celeb got a new haircut” or ” some crack head celeb just got placed into rehab”
I’m personally getting tired of it.
What are your views on it?
The way the society is headed, the next generation is going to be a disaster.
Dylan, great points.

Jacob, I agree.

Best answer:

Answer by Hood
in circles.

I hope that it isn’t a spiral, i really do.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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