
Question by Big B: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Hey there well recently ive been qoute un qoute diagnosed with a disease with no cure, its not life threatnening but its a handicap. Ive been dizzy for 18 years and no answer, no tumor, not ms, not diabetes. Im that one in a billion statistic where there rooms spins violently and i perfectly healthy. Im goin to ask my doc for valium. Drinking helps cope with it. Im not an alcoholic nor a drug user but this disease with no answer is breaking me down one piece at a time. Im trying to get my doc to prescribe me valium so i dont think about this shit. Im not a druggie but how much val should i snort with about 6 beers to keep this devil off my back. NO DOCTOR HAS HELP ME!!!! THE ROOM SPINS AND THEY TELL ME TO RELAX ITS HELL ON EARTH AND IM 18 YEARS OLD AND SCARED PLEASE HELPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERES NOTHING WORSE THAN A DISEASE THAN THEY CANT DIAGNOSE AND HAVE NO CURE !!!!! please help

Best answer:

Answer by Jacinta
Check out the literature on Ménière’s Disease. “Room spins violently” exactly describes it – about 20 minutes at a time …

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Drug Rehab: Christian Drug Rehab Center — Step 8

Christian drug rehab center – Step 8 to successful recovery http://www.therecoveryplace.net/christian-drug-rehab.aspx (877) 231-1827 Charlotte, clinician in …
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